Here are simple ways to lose weight in 2018

One of the top resolutions people make every year is to try and lose weight, here are ways to help.;

Update: 2018-01-03 10:33 GMT
When you hit a wall, be it in weight loss or overall fitness, it means there is an emotional wall inside you, which is restricting growth.
When you hit a wall, be it in weight loss or overall fitness, it means there is an emotional wall inside you, which is restricting growth.
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One of the top resolutions people make every year is to try and lose weight. They wake up on January 1st and realize that their favorite jeans just aren’t fitting like they used to!

This is when they typically join a gym, start eating a lot of salads, and make a pact with themselves to lose 20 pounds in a matter of just a few months. These ambitious people start off strong but slip back into bad habits after a few months, and through no fault of their own!

When we stress out our bodies or deplete it of the valuable nutrients it needs to stay happy and healthy, it is very easy to watch that weight creep back on. Here are some easy ways to keep your eye on the prize as your enter in to 2018!

Start Walking

Walking is a wonderful way to combat stress.
Walking is a wonderful way to combat stress.

Not only is walking an easy way to get your body moving, it’s a wonderful way to combat stress. When we get anxious or depressed, we tend to start emotionally eating. By getting outside, breathing fresh air, and moving around, we are helping keep these negative emotions at bay. Try walking every day for at least 15 minutes! You will be amazed at how you feel and eventually look!

Stay Hydrated

Get in the habit of drinking water by caring around a water bottle with you.
Get in the habit of drinking water by caring around a water bottle with you.

Believe it or not, water is one of the most common things that people are deficient in. That’s because we spend all of our time drinking coffee, soda, or alcoholic beverages. Make sure you are hydrating your body every day with the right intake of water. How do you know what amount to drink?

Take your body weight and divide it in half. The number you get is the total amount in ounces that you should be drinking. It may sound like a lot, but our bodies need water in order to think and function properly. Get in the habit of drinking water by caring around a water bottle with you. Add some lemon juice to it for some extra flavor and a boost of nutrients.

Focus on Fiber

When we have proper elimination, we feel lighter and more energized to get our bodies moving.

There is nothing worse than eating a big meal and not feeling full! Even after you ate all of that food, you still feel tempted to snack throughout the day. Focusing on adding fiber to your diet can help with this! Not only does fiber tell your body that you are full and it is time to stop eating, it can help promote regular bowel movements.

When we have proper elimination, we feel lighter and more energized to get our bodies moving.

Eat your Veggies

Low in calories and rich in nutrients, vegetables are one of the best foods we can eat when watching our waistlines.

Low in calories and rich in nutrients, vegetables are one of the best foods we can eat when watching our waistlines. A lot of them are also rich in fiber to promote proper digestion and help give us that sense of fullness! When trying to lose weight, it is important that we aren’t starving ourselves or depleting our bodies of beneficial nutrients.

That’s why I recommend adding veggies to your morning smoothie. Just a few handfuls of leafy greens like spinach, chard, or kale can help nourish your body from the inside out. You will also notice that your body gets a nice boost of energy from all of the B vitamins found in these vegetables! Make it a habit to incorporate green vegetables into at least one meal per day, every day! Your body will thank you for it.

Focus on Good Fats

A low fat diet can actually increase your odds of gaining weight.

Not all fats make you fat! In fact, a low fat diet can actually increase your odds of gaining weight. Why? Well, if you have ever been on a low-fat diet, you know how cranky, tired, and awful you feel. When your food isn’t satisfying to your body, you feel like you want to eat more!

That’s why it is so important to incorporate beneficial fats into your diet. Try using cold-pressed olive oil and coconut oil in your recipes. Start eating avocados and raw, organic nuts for a midday snack. Add omega-3 fatty acids into your routine by supplementing with a spoonful of chia seeds.

These good fats will help your body feel satisfied, energized, and glowing from the inside out.

The article has been written by Organic India.


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