Trees of Gods and Men

It represents 30 artists who have collaborated to celebrate the eternal power of trees.;

Update: 2019-07-03 18:29 GMT
Vriksha', an exhibition that speaks of trees in the natural and human worlds, is about intaglios, paintings, photographs, sculptures and ceramics.

‘Vriksha’, an exhibition that speaks of trees in the natural and human worlds, is about intaglios, paintings, photographs, sculptures and ceramics. It represents 30 artists who have collaborated to celebrate the eternal power of trees.

It is led by Padmashri Jyoti Bhatt’s ideation for Kalpavriksha, the divine tree, in all its manifestations, through a few intaglio prints specially loaned for the show. Among the highlights is Himmat Shah’s tree drawings, and contemporary master Neeraj Goswami’s small painting created in dulcet-yet-fertile tones as well as Seema Kohli’s Tree of life. (The exhibition is ongoing at India International Centre until July 12.)


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