Sex symbol? Women, men admit having crush on England manager Gareth Southgate
The World Cup has turned Gareth Southgate, into unlikely sex symbol, with his composed nature, family values and love for waistcoats.;
It turns out that as a teenager, he was teased about his hawk nose and felt so insecure about himself that it took him two years to garner enough courage to ask hi wife Alison out on a date.
However, the World Cup has turned England manager Gareth Southgate, 47, into something of an unlikely sex symbol, thanks so his composed nature, family values and love of wearing waistcoats.
Fans took to Twitter during England’s match to admit having a crush on the former player, with one admitting her feelings had evolved into a 'full blown (one sided) love affair'.
Another wrote, “Yesterday I caught a press conference in which Southgate said that family was more important than football and then tonight he was so lovely in his waistcoat and I have a new crush.”
And the appreciations came not only from women, but many men admitted to having a full-blown man-crush on him.
One admitted that he'd been out to Burtons to buy three navy blue waistcoats inspired by the England manager.
Another gushed over 'the waistcoats, the composure, the managing the team that wins the first penalty shoot out in a major tournament'.
Another admirer pointed out the moment Southgate paused to comfort Colombia's crying Mateus Uribe as the country's World Cup dream came to an end while a gay woman even admitted he'd turned her head, saying: 'If I were straight I'd probably crush on Gareth Southgate. Who else wears three piece suits for soccer matches?'
The England manager is something of an unlikely sex symbol and was certainly not known as a pin up during his footballing days.
However, Twitter fans insisted that the 47-year-old father-of-two has aged 'like fine wine'.