Thanks for everything!

Cards and flowers might be the most obvious gifts that come to one's mind when it comes to Teachers' Day.;

Update: 2019-09-04 18:30 GMT
Teachers can become a great guide in someone's life. A teacher can show one the right path rough their darkest hour.

On the occasion of Teachers’ Day, people remember the times they went out of their way to put a smile on the individuals to whom they owe everything.

We all know how important teachers are to our lives and how some of them manage to stay in our hearts and minds forever. Teachers’ Day is a special occasion for both teachers and students alike. It is the time when students take a break from cribbing about their strict teachers and pause to appreciate these guardian angels in their lives.

Riya Gupta had one such teacher too, and she tried her best to make every Teachers’ Day count, back when she was in school. “Of course, I did the basic things for Ms Priyanka, like make her a card and giving her flowers. I took her out for lunch along with some friends, and at the most tried that she gets the farewell that she deserved as it was our last year with her,” recalls Riya. For Riya, it is still very nostalgic to see little children run to the market along with their parents to buy their favourite teachers flowers and cards — something that she had also done multiple times as a child.

Cards and flowers might be the most obvious gifts that come to one’s mind when it comes to Teachers’ Day. But, for some these small gestures are not enough to thank their teachers. Nishadbanu Vajifdhar, a 22-year-old from Haldharu village in Gujarat, had found a wonderful way to honour all the teachers who taught her right from primary school till college. On her wedding eve, she felicitated all the 75 teachers who had taught her with a memento and shawls. Her family also donated '10 lakh to schools where she completed her primary and secondary education.

While many of us students may only think of teachers as people who are meant to teach and impart knowledge, that is not the case with Saurav Das.

His High School teacher, Ms Amita Bedi has been more of a friend to him than his teacher. He says, “She’s from Delhi and a very bubbly person.   

Perhaps that is what makes our connection strong.” He shares, “We are still very much in touch with each other. We laugh at each others’ jokes, make fun of each other, fight on the most absurd topics and look out for each other in times of need. We even go to the movies together and laugh until the person sitting next to us gives us death stares. Above all she has been my constant source of encouragement, joy and pagalpanti. Incidentally, it is also Amrita ma’am’s birthday today,” he gleams.

Teachers can become a great guide in someone’s life. Just like a guiding light, a teacher can show one the right path through their darkest hour. Abha Bisht, a recent graduate says, “Ending of college life came up with a lot of confusion as to what to do next. Ms Gouri Malhotra my college mentor helped me find my way through. Her guidance came to me as a helping hand when I needed it the most and I am really thankful for her help. Whenever I visit her I make sure that I get her favourite chocolates.” According to her, a good teacher can become more than just someone who imparts knowledge but also become a best friend. “I think we all need at least one teacher who will be there for you during your bad days. In Miss Malhotra, I have made not only a good guru but also a great friend during my college life.”

It has been nine years since Ankita Hazra first stepped into her 7th-grade art classroom but she cannot forget her art teacher, Mr. Dubey till date. To her, he was one of the most sincere and kind people she knows. He showed her that school is not all about rote repetition but also about learning everyday life skills and being compassionate.“I remember those small acts of kindness, things that he didn’t have to do for his students but did anyway. Therefore, thank you Girish sir. Your kindness is noted, appreciated and remembered. Happy Teachers’ Day sir!” concludes Ankita.


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