Meditate at work
In present times, work and stress are synonymous. but Work can be a form of meditation as well.;

Creativity and love for work is the key to a successful life. It can be expressed through any activity
All of us wish to make our time at work productive and meaningful, and developing a practice of meditation in our work hours can be immensely beneficial at many levels. This does not mean one has to sit in the lotus posture and chant ‘Om’ at the workplace. Meditation can be even be practiced while working.
Work is necessary to maintain our life and it is a part of our transformation. Social gatherings clean our mind but without work the mind only gathers unnecessary thoughts and leads to destructive imagination. Meditation takes us beyond the mind. Work can help our body remain rooted and grounded and meditation can help us to bloom like flowers.
People need to change their attitude about work these days and meditation can help with that. It should definitely be a part of your work.
Work and relaxation go hand in hand. The deeper we push ourselves into work, the deeper we delve into relaxation. Both are important. The harder we work, the deeper we can feel at peace. Work helps bring humbleness and silence in our lives. People need to feel that their work is special and respectable.
Today lifestyles are fast-paced and many of us spend most of our lives working. So it is possible that work may make you feel stressed out, however it doesn’t mean you have to be constantly miserable. Balancing work life is very important. Meditation is an incredibly useful tool to ground ourselves.
Many people believe that work and enjoyment are separate. Nothing can be further than truth. In fact, enjoying your work is the most important criteria to become a successful person. Then work itself becomes meditation, and many people like to explore a life which is intense and relaxed.
The concentration is not on what we are doing but on how we are doing it. The point is to be totally aware while working. In the modern world, stress and work are almost synonymous. Working hard and putting efforts to get high benefits in the future has become the modern mantra, more money, more prestige and even more relaxation. We become so adapted to this mindset that we miss out on the present moment and we miss our lives.
Creativity and love for work is the key to a successful and peaceful life. Creativity can be expressed through any activity. This love for work is a meditation in itself. All we need to do is to bring quality to the activity. When we put our love, concentration and dedication we can make work more meaningful.
Working like this will ensure that we never feel stressed out. While work can be meditation, there are ways to enhance this experience and meditation can help with the same.
Meditation at work:
By adopting few simple ways this can be achieved. Mediation at work is simple and effective. It can be practiced by anyone in any type of job.
Focus on breath — one of the most easy and antique forms of mediation is a mindfulness meditation that is focused on the breath.
How to practice:
The idea of mediation is simple. During office hours while sitting at your desk or walking around in the office one needs to focus on their breath. The intention is to count up to ten rounds of breathing. A single round of breath includes inhaling and exhaling. Count till you reach ten. This is a practice of mindfulness meditation and can help one enjoy their work better.
The writer is an alternative medicine practitioner