Teen replies innovatively to boy who asked her for nude photos

She sent him pictures of herself in towels all the times he asked

Update: 2017-04-10 11:07 GMT
16-year-old Jacquie Ross decided that she would not take it lightly and dealt with the situation in the most funny yet proper way. (Photo: Tumblr)

The internet has evolved and so have the needs of many men who don't just chat anymore but also want to see pictures that many girls aren't too willing to send. While many of them just ignore the messages, there are many who decide to deal with it with innovative ways like a teenager did when her friend asked her for pictures.

According to a recent report, 16-year-old Jacquie Ross was having trouble when her friend Michael decided to ask her for nudes, which she obviously didn’t not want to send to him. The girl however decided that she would not take it lightly and dealt with the situation in the most funny yet proper way. The girl had her face plastered with face pack but the persistent boy wanted to see more photos which she did send but all with towels – 19 in total but did not give him what he wanted.

The photo was posted on Tumblr and has now gone viral because of the replies given by the girl and the way she dealt with the situation which is quite commendable.



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