Mother considered hiring prostitute for autistic son to increase his self esteem
She was desperate to make her son feel accepted as constant rejection and loneliness can be heartbreaking.;
Ailments like autism can make life a struggle for people and the stigma attached to them makes finding acceptance in society an uphill task for them as well. All of us care for our loved ones and would go to any extent to make them feel better, as several initiatives have been started to help people with autism against a feeling of isolation.
There are services like sexual assistance for disabled people in Europe, and now a mother has revealed that she actually went out to look for a prostitute in her desperation to maker her son feel accepted. She got the idea to increase her son’s self esteem through a prostitute from a woman whose autistic son struggled to find a girlfriend as well.
It was when she read about a man who was arrested trying to hire a prostitute to have sex with his autistic son that the author Kathy Lette let go of the idea. She was pushed to the extent after seeing how her son was put down as one girl called him a ‘spaz’ and another took him out with her friends only so that they could make fun of him.
Although she managed to help her son get better with women as he has had several girlfriends, Lette doesn’t regret the idea of hiring a prostitute since loneliness and constant rejection can be heartbreaking.
The author who has penned down her experiences in a book called ‘Best Laid Plans’ asked why anyone should be denied the inalienable right to love and human sexual contact.