How to take care of your beard this summer

Say yes to beard this summer and elevate your look with few essential and effectual beard care tips.;

Update: 2019-03-22 07:46 GMT
Whosoever thought that it is easy for men to look uber cool effortlessly, rethink! (Photo: Representational/Pixabay)

Mumbai: While keeping summer beard is a cause of great concern for many, there are ways in which you can pull off this dapper look during summer. If you are of the opinion that beard is for winter, its time we burst the myth. 

“Facial hair or body hair helps in regulating the body temperature. When we feel cold, the muscles in the skin contract which causes the hair to stand up, and this traps the body heat. This may explain why many men grow beards in winter and shave or keep it trimmed more regularly in summer,” shares Jaykishan Pawar, Barber and Manager Training at Truefitt & Hill.

However, beard is not just about maintaining the body temperature. It may keep you toasty by acting as a windshield; and might not do much in the way of insulation. That means it won’t retain heat during the unpleasant summer season. Jaykishan Pawar further shares, “some men with beard claim that their whiskers keep them cool, thereby dissipating heat as the hair grow damp due to sweat, which we can’t confirm or deny either way.”

Whoever thought that is easy for men to look uber cool effortlessly, rethink. Summer beard requires lot of effort and a bit of extra care to get that perfect look. All those days spent to grow the perfect beard and then the onset of summer can dampen your fervour.

Try comfortable and manageable beard lengths for a hassle free summer. For those with sensitive skin should know that grown beard can add to your skin woes. Sweat can be the reason for the accumulation of dirt on the beard, thereby making it greasy and acne-prone.

Clean your beard at regular intervals with a gentle face wash or beard wash as a part of your regular skin care routine. It is imperative that you scrub your skin twice a week to keep bacteria at bay.

If you think that you don’t require a sun bock, its time you reconsider your decision. Sun rays often break down hair cuticles making your hair dry and brittle. Using a sunscreen on your beard might be effective. Application of sunscreen will not only protect your hair from sun rays but will also keep your beard smooth and soft throughout.

Summers are when your beard tends to become coarser than the rest of the year and this is the time you must invest in right beard care products. Use of beard oil will help in detangling the hair and keep your beard moisturised throughout the day.

One can easily get dehydrated in the summers, make sure you drink good amount of water which is 3 litres a day at least, if you aren't hydrated, your beard is prone to damage and breakage and nobody wants that.

Ashutosh Valani, Co-founder of Beardo shares few important do’s and don’ts to sport that perfect summer beard:

Dos for summer:

  • Trim the beard regularly to maintain the evenness
  • Keep it clean by washing it thoroughly with a beard wash.
  • Nourish and moisturise it with a beard softener cream or oil
  • Drink lots of water and fluids to keep the body and beard hair hydrated internally as well

Don’ts for summer:

  • Don’t forget washing the beard daily
  • Don’t skip the regime of moisturising the beard
  • Don’t forget to wash-off applied products like beard gel or wax at the end of the day.

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