PETA says milk 'symbol of white supremacy', dairy industry 'rapes' cows; gets trolled
They further stated that dairy industry inflicts extreme violence, like rape, on other living beings.;

Animal rights group PETA has claimed that cow’s milk is a symbol of white supremacy.
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) originally published a blog post titled 'Why cow’s milk is the perfect drink for white supremacists' last year and renewed that claim on Friday when it tweeted a link to its post again.
The group urged people to drink dairy-free alternatives, as dairy products are 'linked to developing heart disease as well as prostate, breast, and ovarian cancer'.
They further stated that dairy industry inflicts extreme violence, like rape, on other living beings.
Their press release states, “Since cows and buffaloes produce milk in order to feed their own babies, just as humans do, dairy farmers keep them almost constantly pregnant.”
PETA adds that cows on dairy farms are often forcibly impregnated, the press release states.
“Some people might be surprised to learn that cows used by the dairy industry are slaughtered after about five years because their bodies are so spent from being kept constantly pregnant,” PETA said.
The organisation went on to discuss the reasons why milk symbolizes supremacy, stating that cows are restrained on what the farmers themselves call 'rape racks while insemination instruments are shoved into their vaginas'.
They further add, “These cows have no choice about what’s done to them. Their horns are burned or gouged out of their heads, part of their tails may be cut off, and holes are punched through their ears.”
PETA goes on to refer to two instances when movies characters demonstrated white supremacy by drinking milk. They mention Christoph Waltz’s character in the Quentin Tarantino film Inglorious Basterds who drinks a glass of milk, saying 'dairy milk has long been embraced as a symbol of white supremacy. They also make reference to the 2017 American horror movie 'Get Out , which contains a scene in which a main character is seen eating cereal one-by-one and drinking milk separately.
PETA writes that people should choose soy, almond, rice, cashew, or coconut milk the next time that you go shopping or order coffee.
However, people have not all taken too kindly to PETA statements with a lot of them trolling the organisation.
I think it’s time we add cows to the list of minority groups who are also being oppressed by white supremacy 😡
— TheSusanProject-NonbinaryPoliticalCorrector #52495 (@Susan52495) October 22, 2018
— A. Groen in 't Woud 🦌 (@agroenintwoud) October 23, 2018
Do some damn research. Dairy cattle are treated better than any animal in agriculture. What’s heartbreaking is your ignorance
— Not Archie Bunker (@ArchieNot) October 22, 2018
Of all the arguments in favour of veganism...this is by far the worst 😂😂😂
— The Last Sith (@StarWarsNerd73) October 22, 2018
— Michael Starry (@MichaelJStarry) October 22, 2018