Find out how sex almost killed this woman

Reunion between couple turns deadly when woman ruptures ovarian cyst while making love.;

Update: 2017-08-25 12:23 GMT
According to doctors, ovarian cysts are fairly common and appear and disappear naturally without any treatment. (Photo: Pixabay)
According to doctors, ovarian cysts are fairly common and appear and disappear naturally without any treatment. (Photo: Pixabay)
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Xiao Qing, a 26-year-old Chinese woman had not seen her husband for six months. It was natural that they spend some quality time with each other after being reunited.

But the reunion turned sour when she almost died after her ovarian cyst popped during sex with her husband.

She was rushed to hospital after sex, suffering from acute abdominal pain.

The rupture made her lose 40 percent of all her blood.

According to doctors, ovarian cysts are fairly common and appear and disappear naturally without any treatment.

Dr Huang Mei from the Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital told the the Xiaoxiang Morning Post that while Xiao Qing wasn’t pregnant a CT scan found that she had a large quantity of blood and fluid in her abdomen and pelvic area.

The doctor performed a diagnostic laparoscopy which showed them that she had a hemoperitoneum.

Dr Huang said that she had lost 1,500ml of blood and if she was taken in later it would have become life-threatening.

Fortunately Xiao Qing survived.

But doctors discovered that she also had a three centimetre cyst in her right ovary, which they then removed.

According to Dr Huang, there are two ways in which the cyst could have had ruptured.

The first could be down to high blood pressure during part of the menstrual cycle, but the rupture could also have occurred due to passionate sex, where a partner could tear the cyst.


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