2017 year of the rooster

Personality traits of people born under the Rooster sign: Neat and organised.;

Update: 2017-01-25 19:30 GMT
As per Chinese zodiac, your year of birth corresponds with each animal's sign.

2017 is the year of Rooster. The rooster represents ‘Metal’ amongst the five elements — Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and it also represents the feminine energy —YIN. Personality traits of people born under the Rooster sign: Neat and organised. Like to think wider and think fast. Sometimes hasty, impetuous and impatient. Generally, live smoothly and enjoy materialistic lives.
The writer is a Tarot expert.

Personal life is going to be passionate but you might choose to part ways with your lover/partner and that will be a wrong and hasty decision. Professional life will be excellent. Innocence will act as a negative trait as others will take advantage of it. Karmically, you will experience the negative outcome of being fickle-minded in the past. Change your karma by being focussed. Health will be excellent. Financially, you may experience a downfall. Guidance is to reduce the unnecessary arguments.  
Lucky colour: Fuchsia Pink
Lucky number: 4

This year is one of the most important years of your life. You will take some important decisions which will help you in the long run. Some will put allegations on you, and others will misunderstand you. Professional life will be bad this year, with excessive work pressure. Karmically you will get the rewards of the past for being open-minded. You might have sinus related problems. Finance will be excellent. Guidance is to stay away from toxic people.
Lucky colour: Coral Red
Lucky number: 3

You will be patient and tolerant about ignorance of others close to you, which will make the bonding stronger. Professional life is not good. Your colleagues will cheat on you. You will have a very strong willpower, and will be a positive thinker. Karmically you will be compassionate towards others, which will give you the rewards by the end of the year, provided you are forgiving as well. Health is excellent this year. Finance will be okay. You will be creative, evolved, and growth oriented. Guidance is to focus on your own goals.
Lucky colour: Vermillion Red
Lucky nimber: 5

Personal life will be positive from the perspective of allowing yourself to relax and going with the flow. Professional life will not be good this year, because of your laziness. Things will be fine if you choose to be hard working  Karmically you will be intuitive and wise. So, you can follow your gut feeling by being emotionally detached. Please take care of your eating habits. Finance will be excellent. Guidance is to avoid  colour red.
Lucky colour: Peach
Numbe: 7

Your will be confused regarding your feelings for your lover/partner, and so, you need to be emotionally sorted. Professional life will be excellent this year. You need to be more patient and tolerant. Karmically you will earn rewards related to being practical, reliable and wise. You need to stop being indecisive and stop pracastinating your important decisions. Health this year will be good. You will suffer financial loss. Guidance is to chant the Lotus Sutra for three minutes everyday.  
Lucky colour: Lava Red
Lucky number: 3

In your personal life, you will get what you want. But you will not be yourself with your loves ones, and lie and pretend to them, which you need to avoid. You’ll have misunderstandings with your colleagues which you need to be careful about. Karmically you will get the rewards of being open-minded to allow the universe to manifest your dreams. Health will be excellent. Finances will be just okay. Guidance is to be alert about what you show to others, as it can backfire.
Lucky colour: Amaranth Red
Lucky number: 2

Personal life will be good in terms of being accommodative with others. You should be open-minded for bonding with your loved ones. Professional life will be bad, as you will have no control on your performance parameters. Karmically you will be rewarded for your simplicity and positive attitude. Do something new for your personal learning other than the routine life. Health will not be fine. Finance will be excellent this year. Guidance is to be firm on your plans related to travel.
Lucky colour: Lava Red.
Lucky number: 4

Personal life will be mixture of good and bad depending on your choice. Professional life will be excellent. Pace of life is fast. Karmically you will be rewarded for your karmas and you will get everything that you want. Soul path this year is to take out time for yourself and do some introspection. Health will be good. You will be unlucky in your finances this year. Guidance is to balance and align your body-mind-heart-soul, and use ajwaain oil.  
Lucky colour: Amaranth Red
Lucky number: 8

Personal life will be good in terms of your being in a commanding position. Professional life will be excellent. You need to improve your pace of life when it comes to dealing with your family. Compare yourself with your own milestones in life. Karmically you will get the reward of being integrated and sorted. Health will be excellent. Finance will be just okay to support your routine requirements. Guidance is to read the book Creative Visualization by Shakti Gowain and implement it in your life.
Lucky colour: Burgundy
Lucky number: 8

Personal life will be excellent. Professional life will be bad, as you will experience difference of opinion with your colleagues. Karmically you will have to push yourself to adjust with others. Spiritually your body-mind-heart-soul will be perfectly aligned with each other.  Be content with what you have rather than having high expectations from life. You need to take care of your health. You will also have finance related problem. Guidance is to avoid colour peach.
Lucky colour: Chestnut Red
Lucky number: 2

In your personal life, you will travel across the globe and will socialise a lot with your loved ones. You might be lazy while travelling which will irritate your family and friends. You need to be active and be a sport. Professionally, this year will be relaxing, and most of the work will be delegated to others by you. On the negative side, you will not be receptive about the ideas and creativities of others, which will be troublesome. You’ll have a strong will this year, which will help you to manifest all your dreams. Karmically, you will be rebellious which will bring positive results. Guidance is to arrange for frequent meetings to exchange business ideas with your collegues.
Lucky colour: Shades of Red, Orange
Lucky number: 2, 4

Personal life this year will be bad, because you will be impractical and have unrealistic expectations from your partner/parents. Professional life is excellent in terms of growth and job satisfaction. You’ll be determined when it comes to hard work, but at the same time you will be sometimes disoriented and distracted from your goal. Karmically you will be focussed on alligning your body, mind, heart and soul. But choosing to stop socialising and disconnectiong from people will have a negative effect on your life. Health this year will be excellent. Finances will be good. Guidance is to to encounter with life’s challenges head on.
Lucky colour: Flame Red
Lucky number: 8


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