Greening the urbanscape

Design for Cormac is best defined in three precise words. Function, practicality and beauty, he lists.;

Update: 2018-03-27 19:03 GMT
Greening the urbanscape
Piramal Agstya
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Cormac Lynch understands the importance of offering a space where an employee can work unhindered. “With time, companies are growing in size and it is becoming essential to keep in mind employee satisfaction by providing them with a comfortable work-atmosphere,” he says. 

An interiors advisor with Piramal Group, Cormac has recently worked on the office spaces at Agastya Corporate Park, which he designed with the sole aim to find the perfect balance between nature and a professional environment. “We have designed the space adhering to the principle of Biophilia, which seeks to connect human life and nature by integrating natural elements of light and planting to create a sustainable space,” he explains. The designer adds that the main aim was to create a bright, colourful and airy environment that promotes well-being and efficiency within a progressive office campus.

Design for Cormac is best defined in three precise words. “Function, practicality and beauty,” he lists. 



Shedding light on what went on behind the scenes when developing the drafts, he explains that a village space is how he envisioned his work area. “The office space was designed around the concept of how we live culturally and how any whole village is organised around a large central square inclusive of a well, where the community gather to discuss issues. Then there are smaller street squares or nodes where people of different age groups would come to meet and mingle with each other,” he says, adding that these are opportunities, where people come to meet and build relationships by strengthening professional bonds.

Concentrating largely on professional spaces, Cormac has never had much difficulty in distinguishing between clients’ requirements and his creative liberties. “According to me, every client is different. I like every style be it traditional or ultra-modern and generally do not push any particular design style. It is very interesting for me to know the kind of aesthetics that the client prefers. For instance, someone would like a space that is calming, on the other hand someone else prefers a space that inherits a lot of art and culture,” he says.

He believes that is very essential to tailor each product to the client’s requirement. “My approach towards each project is very bespoke, to have each product suited to the clients’ needs.”

 Cormac takes his inspiration from two main sources. “Irish designer Eileen Gray has always been my inspiration. She has been a pioneer of contemporary modern architecture and design. I also admire Angelo Donghia’s work, especially his work in the early 1980s. His style and aesthetic was characterised by simplicity and an eye for quality is visible across all of his designs,” he lists. 

At the same time, Cormac draws inspiration from a personal source too. “Since childhood, I have always been interested in architecture, design and interiors. My father, Michael Lynch, had been in charge of the parks in Dublin and many other restoration projects for over 40 years! Most of my memories have been associated with him and his beautiful work,” he smiles fondly. 


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