Here are the reasons why morning sex is so good!

Apart from other benefits, morning sex lowers blood pressure and reduces risk of having heart attacks.;

Update: 2017-11-04 04:12 GMT
Practice encourages both men and women to abstain from orgasm during sex in order to allow partners to enjoy longer and for more intense periods of sexual energy (Photo: Pixabay)
Many studies show that adolescents and young adults are unaware of the health risks associated with oral sex. (Photo: Pixabay)
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Well, to put it bluntly, sex is always good. But according to a study conducted by biochemist Dr Musa Yakubu of the University of Ilorin, having sleepy morning sex is basically the best thing you can do for yourself, because aside from being really, really enjoyable, it also has some amazing health benefits.

According to Yakuba, morning sex lowers blood pressure and reduces risk of having heart attacks! He further adds that it releases a flood of oxytocin, which is a feel-good chemical that has a number of positive effects on the body. Oxytocin boosts mood, makes one closer to their partner and keeps the bowels happy.

Yakuba goes on to add that morning sex also helps to keep one safe from nasty cold and flu viruses by bettering the immune system.

Here are five reasons as to why romping around in the bed on mornings is good:

  • Makes you alert: The brain apparently becomes very active after having morning sex and it actually makes the brain nerves active, which is perfect for the rest of the day.
  • Improves immunity: Morning sex improves immunity by increasing the IgA in the body which is an antibody that helps fight infection. Levels of IgA was found to be higher in those who had sex two to three times a week. (
  • Makes one more positive: Morning coitus boosts the mood and makes a person stay happy throughout the day. It also brings about a glow.
  • Wards off pain: Yes morning sex helps relieving headaches. By having an active session in the morning, you will not have to worry about migraine and other pain.
  • Improves blood circulation: Morning sex will improve the circulation of blood in your body and lower blood pressure. In women, orgasm triggers release of Oxycontin hormone, which lowers the blood pressure.

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