Women find one-night stands with flashy men more attractive
Study finds, on the contrary, women would never trust them as husbands.;

A new study finds that women prefer one night stands with flashy men who drive racy cars and wear bling jewellery. However, they are wearier of such men when it comes to choosing a husband. Women, in general find such men lousy husbands.
The study found that those who showed off their wealth were rated more attractive by women looking for a short-term fling.
However, they were dismissed as an unsuitable life-partner, who is more likely to have an affair and walk out on their kids.
The research, conducted by the University of Michigan, United States, found men to have similar thoughts about show-offs.
According to scientists, men are more likely than women to display their wealth because of their traditional role as a “provider”.
It is thought to offer an evolutionary advantage by indicating their ability to look after a partner and “invest” in their children.
However, an experiment suggests that the brash types have inadvertently given themselves a bad name.
They are now thought to be constantly chasing their next sexual conquest and unlikely to share their wealth with their off-spring.
Study leader Dr Daniel Kruger said that men with high mate value characteristics may be more likely to abandon relationships because they have greater opportunities, constraining their interest in and attractiveness for long-term partnerships.
Similar results have previously been shown with jewellery, clothing and homes. The findings are published in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science.