Study finds kind people get more sex

Research finds that the higher people rank in levels of altruism, the more sexual partners they had.;

Update: 2018-03-09 04:35 GMT
Men and women are alike except for a couple of minor plumbing differences. (Photo: AFP)

A recent Canada-based study has found that altruistic people are more likely to have an active and diverse sex life.

According to psychologists at the University of Guelph and Nipissing University, there are strong links between altruism and sexual success. They found so by conducting two experiments that analysed participants’ sexual histories alongside their altruistic tendencies.

They found that the higher they ranked in levels of altruism, the more sexual partners they had.

Altruism is defined by reciprocity i.e. the notion of behaving selflessly with no expectation of a reward. It can manifest in myriad traits such as generosity, compassion, nobility and philanthropy.

The experiment saw participants who rated themselves positively in altruistic traits boast a higher number of casual sexual partners and had sex more frequently in relationships. They were also seen as more desirable to the opposite sex.

In fact, the study found that generosity plays a part too. In the second study, participants were asked whether they would be willing to donate fictional financial winnings to a third party, those that said they would reported having more sexual partners.

The researchers concluded that altruists have higher success rates when it comes to mating.

According to psychologist Dr Susan Marchant-Haycox, altruistic people are likely to have more sexual partners than those are do not have this 'so-called' personality trait, because they most probably show more attention to people.

Speaking to The Independent she added, “In other words, they are kinder and more caring to others; this is an attractive personality trait.”

Altruistic traits can also make a person seem more genuine, which can be key to making a partner feel they are special the report added.


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