Puppy pictures for happy marriage!

Study shows pictures of puppies could be the key to a happy relationship

Update: 2017-06-21 15:52 GMT
Puppy pictures could be the key to a happy marriage says study (Photo: Pixabay)

Marriage is a tough cookie, but worry not! A new research has found out a easy way to keep it more bearable. It seems that perusing pictures of cute animals could help to save your marriage.

Researchers have found that viewing content that is uplifting, including pictures of puppies and bunnies paired with images of your better half can gelp rekindle lost romance in the relationship.

The intervention could offer unconventional fix to what scientists believe is the death of passion in marriages.

While spouse behaviour is the most important in a relationship, scientists are saying that influences play an important role as well.

James K McNulty of Florida State University says, “One ultimate source of our feelings about our relationships can be reduced to how we associate our partners with positive affect, and those associations can come from our partners but also from unrelated things, like puppies and bunnies.”

In the new study, a team of psychological scientists led by a researcher from Florida State University investigated the relationship satisfaction of 144 married couples.

Of the group, all were under the age of 40 and had been married for less than 5 years, and roughly 40 percent of couples had children.

The researchers tapped into a phenomenon known as conditioning, in which linking a positive stimulus to an unrelated stimulus creates a positive association over time.

This effect was most famously seen in the Pavlov’s dogs experiment, where dogs were conditioned to associate the sound of a bell with food.

Here's a series of cute puppy pictures as well. Check out below

Baby Chihuahua (Photo: Pixabay)

Pug puppy (Photo: Pixabay)

Labrador pup (Photo: Pixabay)

Baby Dachshund (Photo: Pixabay)

A cute pup looks on from inside a boot (Photo: Pixabay)

Baby Chihuahua in a cup (Photo: Pixabay)


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