Female genital mutilation stops Egyptian women from climaxing

The government is leading campaigns against the practice with harsher punishment, but it continues illegally.;

Update: 2017-05-26 11:35 GMT
3 million women are at risk of FGM each year (Photo: AFP)
3 million women are at risk of FGM each year (Photo: AFP)
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Cairo: Female genital mutilation has come across as a major issue in conversations around women’s rights and while several countries have banned the shocking practice, it’s very much prevalent in parts of the Middle East and Africa as well as certain groups of people around the world.

While the world discusses the importance of the female orgasm to ensure pleasure for women in bed, an alarming number of women in Egypt can’t possibly climax because of FGM. The process which involves removal of the outer female genitalia causes delays in sexual response cycle for women, leaving them unable to orgasm.

The Forensic Medicine Department in the country has revealed that the number of women deprived of sexual pleasure is as high as 70 to 80 percent in the North African country. The practice is seen as extreme discrimination against women and is rooted in gender inequality.

The Egyptian government on its part has upped the ante against the practice as a bill passed to increase punishment for perpetrators can land people in jail for up to seven years. But despite efforts it is practiced illegally as three million girls are at risk of FGM each year across the world.


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