It's Complicated: Not without my mother

Kanye West's recent breakdown allows us to thank one person in particular.;

Update: 2016-11-29 20:46 GMT
Kanye West with his mother.
Kanye West with his mother.
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This week, it’s Kanye West. The man who compared himself to Jesus once has had a meltdown and last we heard, the doctors were worried. Besides the constant cameras and the exhaustion from being part of the Kardashian clan, his breakdown has been linked to his mother’s death anniversary. Donda West died November 10, 2007. She was an English professor who left a career to help with her son’s.

For many of us, our mums are the emotional ambulances we summon. Yes the dads were around but, mums were always there — right on time, saying the right things. Dad had the office to go to but mum was back early from her’s. There was always a warm meal for dinner even if it meant getting on the early bus home that never had any seats to spare.    

The secret behind our emotional stability and ability to successfully cope with life’s constant challenges appears to be the unwavering support of a mother. It’s the woman whose sacrifices are remembered on greeting cards on the second Sunday of May each year. Our cricketers recently thought up a novel idea and had their mothers’ names on their jerseys. The gesture was truly path-breaking and did manage to start a conversation. After all, it was on TV.

Kanye is not the only one to have grieved to the extremes. Fashion legend Alexander McQueen committed suicide after his mother’s funeral because he was depressed.

Because, as teenagers, we spend so many years arguing and disagreeing with our mothers. Every day, is a fresh rebellion against what we believe is an autocracy. It’s no wonder then that some of us need to grow up to truly understand the one person who understood. The tragedy here is that for some, that realisation comes too late.

For the girls, the mothers have been unwavering sources of support. For the powerful, the mums helped make their point. Our Prime Minister, who was under fire for causing an “inconvenience”, found fresh support when his 90-year-old mother stood in line to get her cash exchanged. She amplified his message, she had faith in her son.

Some believe it’s just instincts because biology is at play. Please, this isn’t the Serengeti. Science fiction wizard Robert A. Heinlein once famously said, “Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.”

So, the next time you feel the ‘down’ and you just want someone to talk to, look no further. Mum’s around, or at least... she’s making her way home as quickly as she can. 


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