Screening of film on love jihad disrupted at JNU

The students breached the security cordons and disrupted the screening by holding placards in front of the screen.

Update: 2018-04-28 01:09 GMT
Jawaharlal Nehru University. (Photo: PTI/File)

New Delhi: A film screening at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on the contentious issue of “love jihad” was disrupted by a few students’ groups who alleged that the movie advocated communal venom and bigotry.

The screening of the film, titled In the Name of Love — Meloncholy of God’s Own Country, was organised by the Global Indian Foundation and Vivekanand Vichar Manch of JNU.

Members of the Jawaharlal Nehru Students Union (JNUSU) and Gender Sensitisation Committee Against Sexual Harassment (GSCASH) disrupted the screening, alleging that a hate campaign was being propagated in the guise of film screening.

According to the organisers of the programme, the film focussed on religious conversion of girls in Kerala and the issue of love jihad.

However, the students opposing the screening assembled at Sabarmati dhaba to protest against the hate propaganda in the name of “love jihad”.

The students breached the security cordons and disrupted the screening by holding placards in front of the screen.

“Why is the ABVP/RSS hiding behind Vivekanand Vichar Manch? We won’t let the RSS’ venomous ‘Love Jihad’ myth be propagated,” said a statement issued by the protesters.

“No more Dhanyashree will die because of their hate campaign. No more Hadiya will be imprisoned because of their hate campaign. No girl from Meerut will be forced to suffer because she loved,” it said.

Minor scuffles also ensued between the protesters and ABVP members.

Former JNUSU president Geeta Kumari said the movie spreading communal venom and bigotry has been screened by the Vivekananda Vichar Mach, a frontal organisation of the ABVP.   

“JNU students standing up for gender justice and against  politics of hate in the name of Love Jihad protested against such politics.

“The peaceful demonstrators were showered with eggs and stones to create a situation of chaos,” she said.  

“The JNUSU condemns these anti-social elements that have vitiated the university's atmosphere. It is reminiscent of Ramjas College where the ABVP beat up university students,” she added.


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