Delhi: DCW comes to aid of newly-wed woman after husband deserts her


Metros, Delhi

21-year-old Deepika was deserted by her husband at a gurudwara right after the marriage ceremony.

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New Delhi: The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) has helped a newly-wed bride gain entry into her matrimonial home after her husband deserted her.

The woman had sought help from the commission by calling the women's helpline number 181 after her husband deserted her at a gurudwara right after the marriage ceremony.

21-year-old Deepika (name changed), a resident of Nihal Vihar married a man after a courtship of three years. Their families agreed to the marriage and on May 24 Deepika got married in a court.

Her husband, instead of taking her to his house took her to a gurudwara in Connaught Place. They stayed there till evening after which her husband simply vanished without informing her.

Deepika waited for him to come back but soon realised that he would not return. She then called up the women's helpline number 181 and also informed her family about it, stated a statement issued by the DCW.

The DCW team took her to the nearest police station. Meanwhile, her family also reached there.

Deepika told the DCW counsellor that she went to her matrimonial house but they refused to let her in saying the house is very small and they cannot accommodate her.

She said she is confident her husband is in the house but they denied her entry into the house.

The husband and his family were called to the police station where the DCW counseled them and also explained that since they are legally married now they should accept the woman. The husband's family finally agreed to take the girl with them.

According to the statement, the DCW team visited Deepika's matrimonial house after two days and found out that her husband has taken a small house on rent near his house and both of them are living there happily.