Steps taken for a garbage-free Kolkata

Special emphasis given to solid waste management.;

Update: 2017-07-06 21:13 GMT
Garbage piles up outside the residence of an AAP MLA at Trilokpuri in East Delhi. (Photo: Asian Age)

Kolkata: The Mamata Banerjee government announced various measures for making cities garbage free and green this monsoon.

Special emphasis has been given to solid waste management. Leaves of all officials and engineers attached to storm water drianage management system have been cancelled during the monsoon.

The urban and municipal affairs department issued instructions to all urban local bodies on general cleaning, hospital-waste cleaning, regular road sweeping, removal of construction materials, garbage or any other debris from the road, restrictions on road-side parking, suitable illumination of roads, etc. on a regular basis.

The department directed all urban local bodies (ULB) to arrange for regular cleaning of drains, pointing out that water-logging in parts of cities was a problem in the rainy season as it caused inconvenience to citizens and also posed health hazards.

“They have been asked to deploy extra manpower if needed to remove the solid waste accumulating in the drains and choking them. The ULBs have been instructed to maintain the existing pumps properly and also arrange for additional pumps for cleaning the water in case of water logging due to heavy shower,” a top official of municipal affairs department said.

The ULBs will set up a control room and designate one official as the nodal officer whose name and number would be widely circulated for information to citizens.

A Whatsapp number will also be circulated for sharing of information and lodging complaints regarding the accumlation of waste.


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