Man jumps off 2nd floor of Mantralaya
He was raising slogans to protest against issues like farmers suicide and potholes.;
Mumbai: Mantralaya corridors witnessed yet another alleged suicide attempt drama on Monday as a person tried to jump from the second floor to protest various issues like farmers suicide, atrocities against women, pothole etc. However, he was rescued by the special security squad of Mantralaya, which later handed him over to the Marine Drive police station.
According to onlookers, the person tried to jump from the second floor with banner in his hands and shouting slogans. However, he got stuck into the safety nets, attached to the secretariat building.
The name of the youth was identified as Laxman Anna Chavan (35), who claims to be an activist of Prajasattak Bharat Paksh from Pune. During his protest, he also unfurled a banner saying that a woman should become the chief minister of the progressive state like Maharashtra, as only she can understand the value of life.
His act created chaos in the Mantralaya corridors as security agencies went into a huddle to rescue him. A huge crowd of state employees and onlookers assembled there and tried to dissuade him from taking any drastic step. The security squad member finally climbed the net and rescued the youth, which heaved a sigh of relief among eyewitnesses.
According to the statement released by the Bharat Prajasattak Paksh, there are several issues like farmers suicide, atrocities against women, malnutrition, potholes on roads, high education fees etc. which are plaguing the state, but no steps have been taken yet to resolve them.