Vegetable shops stay shut to show solidarity with stir

Various civic markets in Dadar, Mulund and Kurla among others were shut on Thursday, while some individual vendors were seen later.;

Update: 2018-08-09 19:45 GMT
Sambhaji Brigade, a Maratha body supported the Maharashtra bandh. (Photo: Rajesh Jadhav)

Mumbai: Vegetable supplies were hit across Mumbai due to the Maharashtra bandh called by pro-reservation Maratha outfits as several vegetable vendors chose to stop their operations on Thursday. The Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) market at Vashi too remained shut. The market will resume on Friday.

Various civic markets in Dadar, Mulund and Kurla among others were shut on Thursday, while some individual vendors were seen later in the day. "Due to Maharashtra bandh, we chose to shut stalls in the day time, fearing clashes from protestors. We saw in the news that there had not been any violent agitations in Mumbai so we opened stalls in the evening," said Mukta Bai Ugale, a vegetable vendor in Mulund West.

Meanwhile, some vegetable vendors stated that they closed their stall to support the cause. “Nobody has forced us to shut the stall, but we did it to support the cause. We hope the government looks into this matter and take decision soon,” said Mahant Rao, a vegetable vendor in Dadar.

APMC officials stated that for the next two days, the supply of vegetables across the city is likely to be less. "As the APMC market was closed for the day, the supply in other markets is going to be less but it will not be for longer time. We will open the market on Friday," said an APMC official.


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