MERC approves contract to purchase wind energy
Looking at the rising demand in the state due to summer the requirement of energy will increase.
Mumbai: In order to complete the target of green energy purchase, Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has approved the short-term contract to buy wind energy.
Cheaper wind energy will be available to Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) consumers in the days to come.
This year, the prolonged winter and better management of the Koyna dam water has made power supply smooth and reduced the power cuts.
Since the Lok Sabha elections are to be held, as a precautionary measure MSEDCL has decided not to go for power cuts and have entered into short-term agreement for power supply.
Fortunately, MERC allowed MSEDCL to buy wind energy. MSEDCL has asked for permission to buy renewable energy to complete their target of green energy purchase.
After the permission is granted MSEDCL will buy energy at the cost of Rs 2.52 paise per unit. This will help MSEDCL consumers to get cheaper energy in the days to come.
According to a spokesperson from Mahadiscom, they have already made an agreement to purchase 4,450 Megawatt (MW) energy under power purchase agreement.
Looking at the rising demand in the state due to summer the requirement of energy will increase.
According to the officials, an online tender will be floated by them in the next few days.