CISCE took measures to prevent cheating
CISCE aims to be on par with all boards including state and central.;

MUMBAI: For the academic year 2017-18, the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) took strict measures while conducting examinations to prevent cases of copying and cheating. Students were banned from carrying materials such as smart watches, opaque pencil boxes and pouches during the exams.
Besides, the board lowered minimum passing marks to 33 per cent from 35 per cent for Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) students; and to 35 per cent from 40 per cent for Indian School Certificate (ISC) students. By lowering the marks, the CISCE aims to be on par with all other boards including the state and central boards.
This will bring equality in the marking system of every board while creating an equal borderline during admissions in degree colleges and junior colleges for students, the board said.
Yet another change made by the CISCE involves practical exams. These exams will be evaluated on the day of the exam and in school, instead of at centralised evaluation centres.
This involves practical papers including biology, physics and chemistry that will be evaluated by visiting examiners on the day of the exam, at the exam centre.
The move is to step up assessment and declaration of marks which will now be directly fed into the central server.