Protest against Jerusalem being made Israel's capital intensifies in Mumbai
However, the announcement by Trump was aimed at disturbing this dialogue and hence was being condemned by all social and political groups globally.
Mumbai: Various citizen groups and socio-political parties in Mumbai have decided to conduct a massive protest against the statement made by US president Mr Donald Trump about Jerusalem being made the capital of Israel. The protest will be held to coincide with the visit of Israel prime minister Banjamin Natanhayu to India on January 14, 2018.
Earlier in the week, Firoze Mithiborewala, national general secretary of the India Palestine Solidarity Forum along with social activist Teesta Setalvad, Javed Anand, Prakash Reddy, communist party leader, Dolphy D’Souza of the Catholic Forum among others condemned the announcement by Trump and hailed the vote against the decision by the United Nations Security Council.
While speaking about the need to deter Jerusalem being made into the capital of Israel, Mithiborewala said that a dialogue was already underway for the past many years between the Jews and the Palestinians to ensure that Jerusalem remained religiously significant to the Christians, Muslims and Jews and not be turned into the capital of Israel. However, the announcement by Trump was aimed at disturbing this dialogue and hence was being condemned by all social and political groups globally.
Also, D’Souza encouraged the Indian prime minister Mr Narendra Modi to stand firmly against the announcement by Trump.