'Boost public transport for smaller cities'

Bhopal tops for lowest overall emissions and energy use from urban commute.

Update: 2018-08-24 19:44 GMT
Study assessed 14 cities based on emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide.

Mumbai: The recent study by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) recommends setting time-bound targets for improving modal share of public transport and linking funding strategies with reforms in public transport sector. Besides implementing measures for discouraging personal vehicle usage through parking policy, low emissions zones approach, and congestion pricing, both metropolitan and mega-cities need to integrate urban mobility strategies with clean fuels and fuel-efficient vehicle technologies, stated the report.

Bhopal tops for lowest overall emissions and energy use from urban commute. “Delhi, despite being the third highest for high share of public transport trips, ranks to the bottom as overall emissions and fuel use are the highest due to sheer number of people, high volume of travel and personal vehicles, and long trip distances. This negates per trip emissions improvement derived from its CNG programme and limited public transport strategy,” read the report.

Megacities of Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chennai also recorded poor emission levels. The report highlighted that they have lower share of public transport compared to Delhi and yet have scored better  only because of total travel volumes are comparatively lower, given their population levels.


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