Industrial defaulters get power relief
Mahavitaran had permanently disconnected the power of 97,464 industrial consumers since few years.;
Mumbai: The state government has declared a scheme, ‘Abhay Yojana’, for industrial consumers whose supply was permanently disconnected due to the overdue of power bills. The Mahavitaran company has offered to waive the fine and interest on the electricity charges under the scheme.
Mahavitaran Company had permanently disconnected the power of 97,464 industrial consumers since few years. Now company has declared the Abhay Yojana during the period of June 1 to August 31. Consumers for the connections disconnected before December 31, 2017 can take benefit of this scheme. If industrial consumer will pay the principal amount of the bill, then interest and fine will be waived off. If the court case is pending, consumer has to pay the expenses for availing the scheme.
Mahavitaran company is in a financial crunch because arrears amount has reached up to Rs 34,000 in which agricultural consumers are having arrears of '24,000 crore. Company thrice declared Abhay yojana for farmers which has got very less response. Now company has declared the scheme for Industrial consumers.