Akhil Bhartiya Akhada Parishad chief Mahant Ravindra Puri has sparked controversy with his statement suggesting that non-Hindus should be barred from setting up shops at the Mahakumbh-2025 in Prayagraj. Puri, in his remarks, expressed concerns about hygiene and safety, stating that non-Hindus should not be allowed to operate tea, juice, or flower stalls, as they might engage in unsanitary practices like spitting or urinating. He warned that any such actions could lead to conflicts with Naga saints, compromising the event's peaceful atmosphere.
The Mahakumbh, a major religious gathering, is scheduled to begin on January 13, 2025, with preparations underway to ensure a grand and sacred environment for the millions of pilgrims expected to attend. Puri emphasized that the event must uphold its sanctity, cleanliness, and divinity, stressing the importance of maintaining order by restricting non-Hindu participation in the stalls.
This statement comes two days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call for unity and brotherhood in the country. In his final "Mann Ki Baat" of the year, Modi had praised the Kumbh Mela as a shining example of India’s unity in diversity, emphasizing that there is no discrimination at the event and that everyone, regardless of background, is treated equally.
The proposal to exclude non-Hindus from participating in the event has met opposition, particularly from the All India Muslim Jamaat, who argue that such a move would create division within society and contradict the inclusive spirit of the Kumbh Mela.
As the Mahakumbh draws near, efforts to upgrade Prayagraj’s infrastructure and maintain a litter-free environment continue to ensure a sustainable and visually appealing experience for all visitors.