Deputy Commissioner of Police (East Delhi) Abhishek Dhania stated that Gazipur police received three distress calls about the incident at around 11 pm. “Some bystanders broke the car’s windows and pulled him out, but his body was charred beyond recognition,” Dhania said. Authorities have launched a probe to determine the cause of the fire.
While initial investigations suggest an accidental fire, Anil’s family suspects foul play, alleging that he was murdered over a love affair. They claim Anil was in a relationship with the bride, which her family vehemently opposed due to their being relatives. The bride’s father reportedly disapproved of the relationship, adding a layer of suspicion to the tragedy.
The police are investigating all angles, including the possibility of sabotage or premeditated murder, in light of the family’s allegations. Anil’s sudden and horrifying death has left his family in deep anguish, seeking answers and justice.
Further details, including the forensic analysis of the burned vehicle and witness testimonies, are awaited.