Mumbai: The Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena (UBT) on Thursday demanded ‘Bharat Ratna’ for Shiv Sena founder Balasaheb Thackeray. Party leader Sanjay Raut said Balasaheb’s centenary is just a year away and it is imperative that he is given the Bharat Ratna before that.
Both Shiv Sena factions observed Balasaheb’s 99th birth anniversary on Thursday. He was born on 23 January 1926 and passed away on 17 November 2012. He founded the Shiv Sena on 19 June 1966.
After paying tribute to Balasaheb at the memorial at Shivaji Park in Mumbai, Raut alleged that the BJP-led government has conferred the India’s highest civilian award on several undeserving people in the last decade, but they have ignored Balasaheb. He alleged that the Narendra Modi government has given ‘Bharat Ratna' to many people defying the rules for “political purpose”. “Several persons who never deserved Bharat Ratna received it. But the person who truly sowed the seeds of Hindutva in this country deserves the Bharat Ratna. Why has Bal Thackeray not been honoured with this award? Bharat Ratna must be conferred upon Balasaheb before the beginning of his birth anniversary’s century in 2026. This is the Shiv Sena demand,” he said,
Mr. Raut also took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah saying that they don’t have a moral right to take the name of Balasaheb Thackeray as they have broken Shiv Sena, which was founded by Thackeray to protect Maharashtra.
Another Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Arwind Sawant, who is the Lok Sabha MP from South Mumbai, also made the same demand. Claiming that Balasaheb showed the country what “Hindutva ideals” are, Mr. Sawant said, “The government (at the Centre) which calls itself pro-Hindutva must honour him with Bharat Ratna. We strongly demand this.”
In 2024 February, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray had also demanded Bharat Ratna for his uncle Balasaheb Thackeray, whom he referred to as “Hindu Hriday Samrat”.
Earlier in the day, the PM and the Union home minister paid homage to Balasaheb Thackeray on his birth anniversary. Mr. Modi said that Balasaheb Thackeray is widely respected and remembered for his commitment to public welfare and Maharashtra's development.