Now a super injection that can administer several drugs at same time
Injection works using tiny capsules programmed to break down at different times, releasing drugs into the body weeks after being injected.;

A super injection has been invented that can deliver several doses of a drug at once. The single jab offers hope for people who are scared of needles. Experts say that this could prevent children missing follow-up vaccinations which leave them vulnerable to illness.
The injection works using tiny capsules programmed to break down at different times, releasing drugs into the body weeks after being injected. They are made from a safe substance already used by doctors for dissolvable stitches.
Scientists have already used it successfully in mice and found they release their load nine, 20 and 41 days after being injected.
Senior author of the study, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that for the first time they can create a library of tiny, encased vaccine particles, each programmed to release at a precise, predictable time, so that people could potentially receive a single injection that, would have multiple boosters already built into it.’
The capsules, made from a polymer called PLGA can be designed to naturally break down at different rates, so that each capsule releases its contents when needed.