Mystic Mantra: Spirituality means love in action
Exploring our soul while fulfilling our purpose in the outer world is an art that we can master.;

Once we open the doorway to the soul, we can learn to balance our life in the inner and outer worlds. Exploring our soul while fulfilling our purpose in the outer world is an art that we can master.
Spirituality means love in action. It means enjoying our spiritual riches and sharing them with all we meet. We can learn to balance our spiritual practices with our worldly responsibilities, enjoying the fruits within ourselves and sharing our gifts with humanity.
Looking inward means that we are in a state of inner spiritual bliss. We are conscious of our soul's connectedness with God and all life. We are strengthened by the fearlessness that comes with identifying with our soul. We live in the knowledge that we are immortal. Just as a computer monitor is connected to the hard drive and can receive the data from it, we are plugged into and receive a continuous stream from the source all wisdom, unconditional love, and bliss. We devote specific time to meditation daily, but even when not in meditation, we are in tune with our soul. Throughout the day, as we go about our work, the bliss pours through us, the knowledge is available to us, the fearlessness and strength sustains us, and we are empowered to act on the basis of spiritual values. The stream sustains us from within at all times, enriching every moment of our life.
When we are in love with an earthly beloved, the whole world takes on the colour of love. We see things as rosy and blissful. Similarly, when in a state of bliss from within, it colours the world as bliss. We then see ecstasy wherever we look.
While we need to invert to find God, we need not be introverted when dealing with the people around us. Looking outward means that we can also be highly attuned and aware of what is happening in our outer environment. We can place our attention where we choose. Our awareness of the needs of others, our concentration, our sensitivity, and our compassion grow along with our spiritual development. The more we invert, we become aware of the needs of others. One sign that we have grown spiritually is that we are less self-absorbed and selfish and more humanity - absorbed and selfless. The more attuned we are to the soul within us, the greater our love, compassion, and service for our fellow beings.
When we see the outer world through the eyes of our soul, we see the light of God shining even in plants and animals, and we start to live our lives in such a way as to preserve all living things. As we grow spiritually, we become more receptive to others, including animals and plants. We become more giving and caring when we deal with other people and all forms of life.
When we examine the lives of the saints and mystics, we find that they devoted their lives to helping others. They were like the swan that lives in water but flies with dry wings. While all the time they are in tune with the Creator, they still live amongst others, participating fully in life.
We, too, can attain this state. By spending time daily in meditation, we can discover the power of our soul, enriching our lives with wisdom, immortality, love, fearlessness, connectedness, and bliss.