Mystic Mantra: Man! Know thyself

Man is composed of body, mind (intellect) and soul.;

Update: 2019-02-20 22:14 GMT
Yoga is the journey from A to B. A, is where you are, B is the finality. Guru, is someone, who has already walked that path and has the experience of finality. (Representational image)
People need to understand that it is not prayer which makes the difference it is being prayerful as a quality and not as an act that makes the difference.
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Since the beginning of creation, when the first flicker of self-awakening dawned on man, his attention has been more and more concerned with the problem of his own worldly existence and exploring about the cause and source of all creation.

Ancient and modern sages asked, “What is that, the knowledge of which makes everything else known?” and in the same breath replied, “Knowledge of the higher self, the true man”. So the supreme knowledge is that which deals, both in theory and practice, with man’s true nature and his relation to God. It is in fact a natural science without hypothesis which will not change with time.

Man is composed of body, mind (intellect) and soul. We are extremely careful to develop ourselves physically and mentally, but understand very little about the soul, which is the power ruling both the body and the mind. Physical joys are not lasting, and there are limitations of body and mind that we cannot ignore; so we must search for the perennial source of joy and peace within ourselves. Self-analysis is the first step in this direction.

We wish to enter the kingdom of God and we can do so with the help and guidance of one who has himself entered and who can guide us do it.

Saints say that nature has designed man to leave his physical body at will, transcend to higher spiritual planes, and then return to the body. They help each aspirant personally and each receives a practical experience, however little it may be, during the very first sitting at the time of initiation. A person who is competent to give a man this personal experience of withdrawal or separation (temporary) from the body, and who can thus put him on the way back to God, is a genuine Master, Saint, or Satguru.

The first-hand experience we receive, through the kindness of a real saint, is in itself the solution to the problem of death. We fear death because of the agony and suffering which it brings, and also because of the uncertainty that lies ahead in the beyond. We fear illness because it brings us near death’s door; so we struggle to live though we know that our end is certain. This is the natural course of things and we cannot avoid it.

What then is the remedy? There is only one way out of this abyss of despair: to adopt and accustom ourselves, during our lifetime to nature’s process of the withdrawal of the spirit current from the body, while still in a conscious state. This may be done with the help of a Master, and may be accomplished without any suffering or trouble whatever. This is not only a possibility but is a remarkable fact. The mystery of life and death is solved easily with the help of a Master Saint, who will give you an experience of the process and put you on the highway to the inner realms.

What is there to be gained by this process? This cannot be described in words. At the time of initiation, the aspirant sees the real light within him, whereas normally the inner eye is covered by a thick veil of darkness. Liberated from the body, he knows that he is soul, an inseparable part of the eternal spirit, and so he presses onward to his original source. The world appears as a dream to him, but under the instructions from his Master, he returns to his mundane life, wise and fearless in the discharge of his duties.


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