Jamia guy’s winning shot story

Anshul Mehrotra, 23-year-old photography student of Jamia Millia Islamia, has been named a finalist for the Student Focus competition, part of the 2013 Sony World Photography Awards. Anshul is one of the 10 finalists from over 230 universities across the globe and will represent India at the competition in London next month.

Update: 2013-03-28 16:54 GMT

Anshul Mehrotra, 23-year-old photography student of Jamia Millia Islamia, has been named a finalist for the Student Focus competition, part of the 2013 Sony World Photography Awards. Anshul is one of the 10 finalists from over 230 universities across the globe and will represent India at the competition in London next month. Busy building his collection of photographs for the competition, Anshul feels his dream is going to be fulfilled. “As far as I remember, I have always had a camera in my hand. I chose photography out of many options during my graduation in mass communication,” says Anshul, who shot Chhath Puja celebrations as his assignment. “I was on a flyover at Kalindi Kunj and saw these two kids on a rickshaw on their way to Chhath celebrations. They were holding hands, and for me this was the perfect moment in which both exuded happiness and real celebration,” shares Anshul about the winning image. “It is not easy to create a perfect picture, and in a creative field like this, perfection is difficult to attain. I am getting the right guidance from Professor Farhat Basir Khan,” he says. Anshul admires the works of photographers like Sebastião Salgado, Steve McCurry and Prabuddha Dasgupta. If Anshul wins the competition, his work will be exhibited at Somerset House in London. “I am happy to have come this far. It is a great platform, and my hobby has found a direction now,” ends Anshul.


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