SpaceVR to launch world’s first virtual reality camera satellite in 2017

SpaceVR, a company founded by Ryan Holmes in 2015, is the world’s first virtual-reality platform.

Update: 2016-08-19 04:11 GMT

SpaceVR, a company founded by Ryan Holmes in 2015, is the world’s first virtual-reality platform.

Well, why should Virtual Reality stay on Earth alone SpaceVR, a company founded by Ryan Holmes in 2015, is the world’s first virtual-reality platform that allows users to be an ‘astronaut’ and experience space firsthand from any smartphone, desktop or VR device. ‘Through the use of 360-degree cameras, SpaceVR technology feeds footage from low earth orbit back to Earth so consumers can experience space travel in immersive virtual reality,’ claims SpaceVR. Now the company has signed a launch agreement with NanoRacks LLC to send ‘Overview 1’, the world’s first virtual reality camera satellite, into space. The satellite will be deployed into Low Earth Orbit from the NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD). With the Overview 1, SpaceVR aims to give everyone the opportunity to experience the infinite boundless Universe using virtual reality.

Overview 1 will use 4K sensors to capture extremely high resolution, fully immersive, 360-degree video of every breathtaking moment that occurs on our home planet. The content will be viewable on any virtual reality device, ranging from smartphones to Oculus Rift to extreme resolution devices such as the StarVR.

SpaceVR has raised a good $1.25 million in April, which they have used to accelerate the development of the Overview 1’s onboard-software, apart from other developments and content delivery and distribution channels.

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