Earth sweltered to 3rd hottest august, summer on record
The average temperature for June through August was 61.47 degrees (16.41 Celsius).;

Washington: Earth just sweated through the third hottest August and summer on record.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said September 19 the globe last month averaged 61.5 degrees (16.43 Celsius), which was a degree-and-a-half higher than the 20th century average, but behind 2016 and 2015.
The average temperature for June through August was 61.47 degrees (16.41 Celsius).
So far the year to date has edged out 2015 and is the second hottest January through August, averaging 58.88 degrees (14.88 Celsius), behind 2016.
Records go back to 1880.
NOAA climate scientist Jake Crouch says even though records weren't broken, it's been warmer than 99 percent of the other months and a sign of long-term climate change.