Half of Q3 DDoS attacks happened in September

The rise is caused by a large number of rather simple types of attacks.;

Update: 2019-11-13 09:12 GMT
Established by a General Assembly resolution, the expert group brings together diplomats, policy makers and experts from around the globe to discuss the most pressing challenges in cybercrime today.

In the third quarter of 2019, the number of DDoS attacks rose by a third compared to the previous period (30 percentage points) and Q3 2018 (32 percentage points) according to statistics gathered from Kaspersky DDoS Protection. This growth was primarily due to a spike in malicious activity in autumn. In fact, 53% of the quarter’s DDoS attacks were carried out in September.

The rise is caused by a large number of rather simple types of attacks. Nonetheless, in previous quarters of this year, the total growth stemmed from a surge in the number of smart attacks, focusing on the application layer – usually carried out by skilled cybercriminals.

In Q3 2019, the share of ‘smart’ attacks dropped to 28% of all DDoS attacks, from 50% in Q2, and grew by only seven percentage points in the Q3 2018 results.

This change can be explained by a boom of DDoS activity at the beginning of the academic year. While the early summer months of the quarter were quite, the majority of DDoS attacks (53%) was detected in September. Kaspersky statistics reveal 60% of the attacks that were prevented during this month were conducted against schools and electronic journal sites. Based on this, Kaspersky experts suggest that these attacks were carried out by school-age hooligans who do not have a deep understanding of how to organize DDoS campaigns.


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