No Man's Sky with a new update

The game now has three modes for users to play with.;

Update: 2016-11-29 18:42 GMT
No Mans Sky has a new update that hopes to bring back lost users.
No Man's Sky has a new update that hopes to bring back lost users.
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Having launched with exceedingly high expectations, No Man’s Sky was bound to fail. However, no one had anticipated the catastrophic magnitude of said failure. Gamers were thoroughly disappointed as it turned out to be one of the most shallow, repetitive and boring gaming experiences of the year.

What followed was nothing short of a witch-hunt for the makers of the game and saw some of the fastest and highest recorded refund requests for a game that Steam has seen till date.

Hello Games, the studio, decided to ride the hate wave and continue to strive to make their first game what they envisioned it could become.

And now, they have released the first major content update for No Man’s Sky, the Foundation Update.

The first substantial content update fixes quite a few of the bugs and glitches that still plague the along with making significant additions to the gameplay itself.

Finally, a full base-building system has been made available, along with the ability to construct permanent navigation waypoints on all the planets, plus the addition of freighters that you can buy and bring with you from system to system.

There are also three new game modes: The standard way we’ve been playing which, to be honest, is kind of bland after the initial few hours; a challenging survival mode where resources are limited and you’re expected to die over and over; and a free creation mode where you don’t have to worry about resources or money — the perfect sandbox for those willing to spend more time with the game.

Hopefully, this will bring back at least a fraction of the player base to the original game, a number that had sadly reached a whopping zero concurrent users merely days after the launch of the game.


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