Texas lawmaker wants men to be fined every time they masturbate
The bill would also impose a 24-hour stay period if the man wanted to undergo a vasectomy or a colonoscopy.;
Houston, Texas: A Texas lawmaker has proposed a bill that would slap a USD 100 fine on a man each time he masturbated.
According to a report by The Guardian, the bill would also impose a 24-hour stay period if the man wanted to undergo a vasectomy or a colonoscopy.
Proposed by Democrat Jessica Farrar from Houston, the bill aims to regulate ‘masturbatory emissions’ as a response to anti-abortion measures promoted by Republican senators.
Titled ‘Man’s Right to Know Act’, the bill suggests a fine for “emissions outside of a woman’s vagina, or created outside of a health or medical facility”, which “will be considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life”, the report said.
To make this bill more effective, it will also require the creation of a ‘masturbatory assistance registry’ of NGO’s and non-profit organisations and hospitals that will be able to provide “fully-abstinent encouragement counseling, supervising physicians for masturbatory emissions, and storage for the semen”.
An advocate of women’s health, Farrar told CNN, “Lets look at what Texas has done to women”. “What if men had to undergo the same intrusive procedures?” she added.
However, Farrar’s move was widely criticised by her political opponents. “I am embarrassed for Representative Farrar. Her attempt to compare to the abortion issue shows a lack of a basic understanding of human biology,” said Tony Tinderholt, Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives.