Hafiz Saeed's JuD rebrands with J&K connection

The White House maintained Pakistan would itself have to decide which way it wanted to go.

Update: 2017-02-04 20:01 GMT
Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed (Photo: File/AP)

Islamabad: Days after JuD was put on Pakistan’s terror watchlist and its chief Hafiz Saeed was put under house arrest, the organisation has reemerged with a new name — Tehrik-e-Azadi Jammu and Kashmir (movement for Kashmir’s freedom).

The action against the JuD chief and his organisation came after US President Donald Trump reportedly issued a warning to Pakistan that Washington could slam sanctions on Pakistan if JuD continued to work freely. The US had also announced a $10 million bounty on Hafiz Saeed in 2012 for his alleged role in the 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed 164 people.

Recently, Mr Trump banned visas for seven Muslim countries in a bid to stop “terrorists” from entering the US. The White House maintained Pakistan would itself have to decide which way it wanted to go.


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