
A biopic on Rajinikanth

Rajinikanth is one of the most loved stars and his story from Shivaji Rao Gaikwad, the bus-conductor, to Rajinikanth the superstar is one that has always generated a lot of interest.

Rajinikanth is one of the most loved stars and his story from Shivaji Rao Gaikwad, the bus-conductor, to Rajinikanth the superstar is one that has always generated a lot of interest. Now that his film Kabali has placed him on a pedestal far above anything in the past, his family has decided to work on a film based on the actor’s life.

Rajini’s younger daughter Soundarya confirms, “Yes, we are planning a film on my father’s life. My sister Aishwarya is currently writing a book on dad so a film is naturally the next step.”

Soundarya says the idea of a film has been with the family for long. “Of late, the thought of making a film on dad has been occurring to us quite often. His life is inspirational for so many,” she adds.

The film will focus on well-known facts from Rajinikanth’s life, and also reveal the lesser known stories in his journey.

“There are certain aspects of his life that no one knows about. We want to show that on film. As a daughter and his devoted fan, I love watching him on screen and would love to see a film on him,” says Soundarya.

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