
Manish designed Arjun’s red heels

R. Balki’s upcoming romcom Ki & Ka shows the woman in the relationship wearing the pants and the man, walking in a woman’s shoes — literally and figuratively.

R. Balki’s upcoming romcom Ki & Ka shows the woman in the relationship wearing the pants and the man, walking in a woman’s shoes — literally and figuratively. Kareena Kapoor plays the earning member out of the two, while Arjun stays home as a househusband and whips up meals for his wife and at some point, slips into her red heels. Designer ones, no less.

Speaking about the peculiar sartorial choices for his male lead, director Balki says, “They are designed by Manish Malhotra. So all you husbands desirous of acquiring similar shoes, you know where to go.”

The film releases on April 1, a date Balki picked up in keeping with the film’s goofy nature. “We wanted to keep that feeling of mischief palpable in this marriage. We don’t want it to be seen as a serious statement on what men and women need to do in a marriage to keep it going. We are not offering any formula or recipe for a successful marriage. In fact our next song Foolishq preserves that mood of masti and mischief.”

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