
Two-state solution for Israel and Palestine

Dr Joseph Thomas’ ‘Israel-Palestine War’ explores Israeli-Palestinian war and offers roadmap for achieving peace

Hyderabad: Israel-Palestine War – Give peace a chance by Dr Joseph K. Thomas navigates the intricate and enduring saga of one of the world’s most entrenched conflicts. From its genesis with the Balfour Declaration to the shocking October 2023 invasion, the chapters present a sweeping panorama of the conflict.

The author provides a concise history of the conflict, highlighting key events and turning points. He advocates for a two-state solution, which involves the establishment of two independent states – Israel with a secure and recognized border and Palestine with sovereignty over its territory.

But the current issue at hand is the deadlock in the peace process. Despite multiple efforts and international interventions the quest for a lasting resolution between Israel and Palestinians remains elusive. The author says that the deadlock is not merely a political stalemate; it is a catalyst for continuing conflict that threatens regional stability and the lives of millions.

“The solution proposed herein is a re-invigorated push for a two-state reality, one where Israel and Palestine exist side by side, sovereign and secure. A multifaceted approach that addresses the core issues: borders, security, settlements, the status of Jerusalem and the plight of Palestinian refugees,” he mentions in one of the chapters.

This book is not a mere recounting of grim realities but a beacon guiding the reader through the murky ethical waters to explore viable solutions and frameworks that can mitigate such transgressions. The chapters delve into the international legal statutes that address the use of human shields, dissecting their efficacy and proposing enhancements. This book also illuminates the stories of resilience and courage, the untold narratives of all those who, against all odds, reclaim their agency and speak out against their oppressors.

This book delves deep into the history and the heartache, the politics and the pain that have shaped this land and its people.

Joseph notes, “The birth of Israel in 1948 following the United Nations partition plan, was a triumphant moment for Zionism, yet a catastrophic event for the Arab population of Palestine known as the Nakba, or catastrophe. Here lies the crux of the distinction; for one group, the fulfillment of a long-held dream; for the other, the shattering of their own national aspirations on the very same soil.”

Through the chapter, ‘Road to reconciliation’, Joseph explains about the chronicle of milestones that marks the fraught journey towards peace. He mentions, “The 1947 UN Partition Plan attempted to delineate a two-state solution but the subsequent Arab-Israeli War of 1948 led to the establishment of Israel and the displacement of Palestinians, a tragedy they call the Nakba or the catastrophe. The Six-Day War of 1967 saw Israel’s territorial expansion and the beginning of the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, further complicating the geopolitical landscape.”

In conclusion, while the two-state solution remains the most widely accepted framework, its achievability is uncertain due to various challenges. Sustained international engagement, leadership commitment and compromise from both sides are necessary to overcome these obstacles and make progress toward a two-state reality.

Book: Israel-Palestine War - Give peace a chance

Author: Dr Joseph K. Thomas

Publisher: Indie Press

Pages: 220

Price: Rs 399

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