Reserve Bank of India releases June 2018 issue of monthly bulletin
The Bulletin includes Second Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement for the Year 2018-19.

New Delhi: The Reserve Bank of India on Monday released the June 2018 issue of its monthly Bulletin. The Bulletin includes Second Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement for the Year 2018-19, a speech by the Top management, an Article and Current Statistics.
The article is on 'Performance of Private Corporate Business Sector: 2016-17 to Q3:2017-18'. According to a press release, this article reviews the performance of the private (non-financial) business sector on the basis of financial statements furnished by the listed non-government non-financial companies.
Major highlights:
A turnaround in sales growth of the corporate sector took hold in 2016-17 and has extended into the current year so far.
The cost of raw materials of the manufacturing sector continued to rise at a fast pace and showed no sign of easing till Q3: 2017-18.
Low capacity utilisation in the manufacturing sector led to significant deleveraging as well as lower investments in fixed assets, with companies preferring investments in financial and liquid assets during 2016-17.
A stark contrast was observed in the performance of heavily indebted companies in the manufacturing vis-a-vis the rest of the sample.