Mystic Mantra: Everything is temporary
Time changes and all that is there passes away or changes form.
3 Jan 2018 9:28 PM
Mystic Mantra: Only a guru can show you the right path
An animal manifestation ensures a natural and automatic progression into the next birth.
20 Nov 2017 6:33 PM
Mystic Mantra: Laws of creation same for everyone
28 Oct 2017 1:26 AM
Mystic Mantra: Ganpati, first to be worshipped
Ganpati sadhna is powerful and illuminating, it is the easiest of all tantrik sadhnas.
7 Sept 2017 6:46 PM
Mystic Mantra: Getting anger under control
Whenever you are angry, just sit with your legs crossed and take deep breaths.
10 Aug 2017 7:25 PM
Mystic Mantra: The journey from darkness to light
Gita says a life led only for self-gratification is a life of sin.
12 Jun 2017 8:09 PM
Mystic Mantra: Achieving dhyan through karma
Everything in creation is a combination of five elements, including your body.
17 May 2017 10:26 PM