
Hindu Sena plans grand Donald Trump birthday

A massive celebration has been organised by the National Hindu Sena, a right-wing fringe group, to celebrate Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s birthday at Jantar Mantar on Tuesday.

A massive celebration has been organised by the National Hindu Sena, a right-wing fringe group, to celebrate Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s birthday at Jantar Mantar on Tuesday.

The group that claims to be the “saviour of Hindus,” has ordered a special two-tier cake, an orchestra and special Donald Trump masks for their so-called birthday party. Last month, the right-wing group had performed a “yagna” to wish Mr Trump luck for the US elections.

The fringe group’s invitation for the event describes Mr Trump as the “saviour of humanity.” The invite, which was circulating on the social media, was initially perceived by Netizens as a satirical post.

The organiser and the president of the Hindu Sena, Vishnu Gupta, told this newspaper that his group supports the US Republican candidate for his statements on “Islamic terror.”

“We support Donald Trump as he has spoken clearly about finishing the Islamic terror from world over. We will provide him any support he requires from us. I hope he registers tomorrow’s celebration as our token of support to him,” he said.

Mr Gupta, who had earlier put up posters in Metro stations and bus stops, asking people to “shoot” JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar, claimed that the Hindu Sena’s ideology has been supported by the masses. “The government has not stopped us from promoting Trump. We will also organise rallies and make sure the PIOs in the US vote him to power.”

Courtesy the Sena, masks of Donald Trump will soon be seen in local markets of Delhi. The party has ordered face masks and posters from Delhi vendors who supply merchandise for the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections.

The Hindu Sena has also started campaigning on the blogging sites and Twitter and claimed to have popularised their hashtag #hindusfordonaldtrump before the US elections later this year.

Last month, the group was criticised across all the social media platforms for their “Victory Yagna” for Mr Trump.

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