
SDMC plantation drive to improve air quality

Concerned about high levels of pollution in the national capital, the South Delhi Municipal Corporation announced on Friday that saplings of trees or plants that help in reducing pollution levels will

Concerned about high levels of pollution in the national capital, the South Delhi Municipal Corporation announced on Friday that saplings of trees or plants that help in reducing pollution levels will be planted in its jurisdiction from now onwards. The newly-elected chairman of SDMC standing committee, Mr Shailender Singh, said in place of ornamental or decorative plants in the civic body’s parks, saplings of trees that will help in controlling rising pollution will be planted. The SDMC will also launch a plantation drive in all the areas under its jurisdiction.

Mr Singh said pollution is a serious concern and everyone must contribute to bring it down and from now onwards the SDMC will plant only those saplings that can help control pollution. “Our priority is to control pollution along with greenery and big trees solve both the purposes. We will now discourage planting of small decorative or ornamental plants in our parks as a policy decision,” added Mr Singh.

As per the SDMC proposal, neem, peepal and other similar trees will now be planted along the roadsides and inside parks. The drive will start with the onset of monsoon in the national capital as it is a season favourable for growth of plants and trees.

On Monday, a meeting will be held to discuss the plantation drive. The SDMC also plans to rope in Resident Welfare Associations for the proposed plantation drive. “Apart from roping in the RWAs, we will be also discuss the arrangements for acquiring saplings for the plantation drive. We assess stock availability of saplings of these big trees in our nurseries and the way to procure more, if required,” said newly-elected chairman of the SDMC standing committee.

During the meeting, Mr Singh and Dharmvir Awana, both BJP councillors, elected unopposed as the chairman and deputy chairman of the SDMC standing committee respectively. Listing his priorities, Mr Singh said the corporation would work sincerely to implement the Swachchh Bharat Mission launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi so that the cleanliness should not be confined on the papers but must be visible on ground.

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