
Sip it like bond

The suave super-spy is known for his excellent taste in tipple. And while the martini — “shaken, not stirred” — is the cocktail most commonly associated with him, through the ages, James Bond has put in some pretty interesting drink orders. Want to know how to drink like him Read on

The suave super-spy is known for his excellent taste in tipple. And while the martini — “shaken, not stirred” — is the cocktail most commonly associated with him, through the ages, James Bond has put in some pretty interesting drink orders. Want to know how to drink like him Read on

So Spectre is finally in Indian theatres and has brought along with it, the usual craze for all things Bond James Bond. And as much as his intrepid exploits, snazzy cars and gadgets and erotic flirtations make this Brit super-spy who he is, his taste in tipple too, is equally legendary.

The most iconic of Bond’s drinks of course is the classic martini — “shaken, not stirred”. But while the catchphrase has become as famous as the spy himself, it is not the drink Bond sips on most. He seems to equally enjoy Scotch and soda, cocktails like the Negroni, Black Velvet, Americano, vodka tonic etc.

And it is the “Vesper Martini” that is Bond’s true creation. As Bond buffs will tell you, author Ian Fleming introduced this classy little concoction in Casino Royale, Chapter 7. There, Bond tells the bartender: “A dry martini. One. In a deep champagne goblet.” The waiter responds with an “Oui, monsieur”. But before he can get to it, Bond rattles off his other requirements: “Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it ”

Of course, Bond — like his creator Ian Fleming — was supposed to be a true connoisseur of tipple of varied types. His knowledge of spirits contributes to several witty exchanges with opponents like Dr. No, and his boss M. Bond even unveils a would-be assassin in Diamonds Are Forever because the latter, who is disguised as a waiter, doesn’t know that the Mouton-Rothschild is a claret. Now such discerning powers may not be available to all of us ordinary mortals, but we certainly can try to emulate 007’s good taste in picking our drinks.

So how should you drink like Bond Take a look at the drinks given below, and make sure your down them — in responsible measure! — with a whole lotta 007 style!

Gaurav is a mixologist

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