
'Utterly disgusting': Priyanka Chopra's Quantico slammed for latest episode

The TV series recently showed 'Indian terrorists' planning a nuclear attack and Twitteratti were unimpressed.

‘Quantico’ will always be remembered as path-breaking for Indians, as Priyanka Chopra became the first South Asian actress to spearhead an American TV drama series three years ago.

However, Twiteratti from the country don’t feel the same anymore due to the latest episode of the ABC show.

The episode which reportedly aired on June 1 shows an MIT professor planning to target an India-Pakistan summit in Manhattan with a nuclear bomb. This was followed by ‘Indian’, Hindu to be precise, terrorists with ‘Rudraksha’ setting out for the attack with a plan to pin the blame on Pakistan.

The plot had not gone down well with some of the Indian Twitter users, who vented it out on the microblogging platform.

While some called out the makers for the ‘ploy to denigrate India’, ‘bringing shame to the country’, some were upset about equating the country with ‘Terrorists-mother country Pakistan’ and some expressed how such a plot ‘shivers our nerves.’

Apart from calling the story ‘ridiculous’, ‘nonsensical stuff’, they also slammed Priyanka by asking her to have shame on herself, while others called her money-hungry, and some referred to her recent visit to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and how it was in line with the show’s promotions.

One user even went to the extent of tweeting to External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj asking if the work permit permits her to spread propaganda against the country.

Check out some of the reactions:

The series is all set to conclude with this season owing to unimpressive ratings and we wonder if such a plot was planned so that they can draw viewers to ‘end on a high’ in August.

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